The Law Library is currently open without needing an appointment M - F 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Is the Bay Area Legal Incubator (BALI) part of the Law Library?
No, BALI is a community of solo attorneys dedicated to providing affordable legal services, and a project of the Alameda County Bar Association, in collaboration with five local law schools.
For more information about BALI or to inquire about services, call (510) 475-5592 or visit BALI’s website:
Appointments are required to meet with BALI attorneys. No walk-in service provided.
Where is BALI/Suite 100 located?
The BALI Hub is located in the rear corner of the Library’s Mezzanine (2nd) Level. It is accessible from the Law Library’s elevator (located across from the Copy Center) or from the Law Library’s staircase.