The Law Library is currently open without needing an appointment

The Law Library is currently open without needing an appointment M - F 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Answered By: Librarian 03
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2021     Views: 108

What are your circulation policies, such as what items can be checked out, circulation periods, and overdue fines?

What may be borrowed?

Items may be borrowed only for the personal use of the borrower, or for the use of professional associates or employees. Violation of this rule will constitute grounds for the revocation of borrowing privileges.

Only those materials which have been bar coded and processed may be checked out. Non-circulating items include, but are not limited to loose-leaf sets, reference books, digests, citators and rare books. Books and materials ordinarily subject to borrowing may be withdrawn from circulation at the discretion of a librarian. Attorneys and Alameda county residents can receive additional benefits by becoming a Library Member.


How many items can be checked out at once?

Attorneys may check out a maximum of eight items at a time. Alameda County Resident Borrowers may have a total maximum of two items checked out at any one time. No borrower may have more than two sets of MCLE CDs checked out at any one time.


What is the circulation period for materials? Are there renewals?

Circulating books may be borrowed for a period of seven days by attorneys and Alameda County residents. There are no renewals. Once an item has been checked in, two business days must elapse before the last borrower can check it out again.

However, attorneys and Alameda county residents can receive additional benefits by becoming a Library Member.


What is the fine for an overdue item?

A fine of $1.00 per day per overdue item shall be charged (a volume and a supplement are treated as two separate items.) Overdue fines must be paid before additional materials may be checked out. No fine shall exceed the replacement cost of the item plus $50.00. If the overdue period exceeds sixty days, the item shall be deemed lost, and the borrower shall be charged a $50.00 service charge plus the replacement cost or the value of the lost item.

A substantially damaged or defaced item shall be deemed lost unless it can be suitably repaired. In that event, the repair cost shall be charged to the responsible borrower.

All fines and replacement charges must be paid as follows: Overdue book fines must be paid within thirty day after being billed for the amount due. Borrowers who lose an item or in whose custody an item is irreparably damaged shall pay the replacement cost plus a $50.00 service charge within fifteen days after being billed for the amount.