The Law Library is currently open without needing an appointment M - F 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
How do I get a law library card or a computer user card?
You must fill out a Registration Form. Photo identification such as a California driver’s license or California identification card is required; neither can have a P.O. Box without providing additional identification. Additional identification would include a recent electric, gas, water or garbage bill that shows the street address, city, and state. An attorney must also provide his/her bar number. Also see Library Cards & Borrowing.
I had a library card many years ago. Is it still valid?
You can call the Circulation Desk at (510) 208-4832 or visit the Library at 125 12th St, Oakland, CA 94607. A staff member will check the library’s records to determine if you are still registered.
I lost or cannot find my library card. Can I get a replacement?
A replacement card can be purchased for $3.00 at the library. Photo identification such as a California driver’s license or a California identification card is required. See the information under “How do I get a law library card?” above to find out what forms of identification are accepted.